"This large and adaptable bag comes in stunning Damier Canvas. Press studs allow the capacity and shape of the bag to be altered, making it more versatile for different journeys or occasions.
Louis Vuitton Rivington N41157 Outlet
"Add a feminine touch to any everyday wardrobe with the Rivington PM. Understated Damier Canvas adorned with smooth leather trimmings and handles gives its classic bowling shape sophisticated charm.
Louis Vuitton Rivington N41158 Outlet
"In understated Damier Canvas, and with a generous A4-sized interior, the Rivington GM is an elegant and feminine choice. Sumptuous leather trimmings and handles enhance its versatile bowling shape.
A mature brands often have a mature mode, When in the face of the pressures and challenges, this model unique talent and sensitive to market demands is essential. In the course of history, there are many large companies have this kind of mode. Louis Vuitton is one of them. Have not been to the Champs Elysees, which is not actually been to Paris; have never been to the headquarters of Louis Vuitton, it is not actually been to the Champs Elysees. This point, the Champs Elysees in Paris can be corroborated. 154-year-old Louis Vuitton so superhuman charm, and its Is not Therefore, the name of Louis Vuitton is quickly spread throughout the world, become a symbol of the finest luxury goods. Inheritance Management heritage for centuries luxury brand, requirements generation after generation of heirs should have the determination to pass the name of. The unique talent of the craftsmen and sensitive to the different needs of the age of the Vuitton family is a model in this regard. In 1837, Louis Vuitton was born in a French carpenter father was a miller, his childhood with his father has done a lot of carpentry, the age of 10 have been able to survive their own craft, and to fully grasp a variety of properties of wood. 14 years old, Louis Vuitton thought Paris to develop, can not afford the fare, he can only walk along the way by doing odd jobs for their livelihoods. But Louis have a very First arrived in Paris, living or step by step in a suitcase workshop spent a few years of apprenticeship, he began to serve the French royal family to become a bundle of clothing workers. At that time, Napoleon II ascended the throne, to expand the territory of France aroused the interest of Napoleon Wu Jie Ni Queen traveled in Europe. However, the fun of travel is often because of some minor problems greatly reduced, because those beautiful clothes is not always timely and stay in the trunk. At this time, Louis Vuitton rags by virtue of his craft, the Queen clothes neatly tied in the suitcase. Because of this, the young Louis from the village down soon get the attention and trust of Napoleon's Empress Wu Jie Ni. Meanwhile, in the process of service for the Queen, the joy of travelers who aroused the attention of Louis Vuitton. Transport revolution was in full swing, take the train travelers the most fashionable choice, but it also brought them a lot of trouble: is not a suitcase made the clothes crumpled bag in the train bumps again and again fall. Louis Vuitton own be able to exempt more people in fear of travel, easy to end services for the court in 1854, founded the first leather shop in Paris, the main product is the flat trunk lid. This with Four years later, Louis Vuitton has expanded the size of the leather shop, set up its first factory in the Paris suburb Asni��res. At this time, the process of design, production and pay more attention on solving the practical problems of travelers, based on practical design concept, Louis Vuitton, specialized in fashion and the deepening of